My history with Pop Champagne and Desserts dates back to Summer '08. I endured months of the Pop carrot dangling in front of me, with teases of it opening in August, then September, then...December! Good gawd....what is the hold up??!! Then...One fine day it opened and we (my twin (Terri) and I) POPPED in (no pun intended...ok, well maybe) and it was JA'DORABLE!!
I do love myself some Pop. And for all you Midwesterners, this place does NOT--I repeat, does NOT--showcase soda.
Away from the crowds on Colorado, the place is absolutely gorgeous. It has that old brick, unfinished floor and ceiling kind of look that I adore. However, it's the shiny stuff that really catches your eye. All the different types of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling make you want to be a better person and I can't get enough of the beautiful display cases full of your grandma's old artifacts that they use as tables for the high-back crush red velvet booths. Oh and I expected the music playing to be some french/italian bistro kind of music, but it was actually LIVE music,and not that top 40's garbage blaring out of the loudspeakers.
This is not a family restaurant as the name may suggest, rather it is a Champagne Bar as its corks announce. I think that it's the first true Champagne Bar in the area, am I wrong? Of course wine bars have been "popping" up like town hall meetings around these parts for the last few years but I am always ready to spring upon a Champagne and Dessert Spot!! OOO LA LA! I may not be the ultimate Francophile but I have to hand it to them, these beret loving, creme brulee making, people may just have something with this champagne thing.
Let me start off the review with a detective's observation and question, the restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays? What do they do with all the champagne they opened on Sunday, waste it? Maybe a touch, but I got permission to let you know an inside secret, Sunday Nights are the best night to go, we had a five flight sparkling and champagne selection for ($16). Good Gosh Ozzie and Harriet that's cheap, am I time traveling here?
Pop Champagne and Dessert Bar has placed the wonder of a child in me again. The creativity of the desserts and the presentation had me humming that mischievous tune of 'days gone by'...."Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar, Who me? It couldn't be!" Hahaha Now I have only been there a couple of times, but I have visions for this place. I think this place is ready to uncork some good times for everyone. It is a Sure-fire WINNER for anyone of the male species to bring a female!! She will think you are the MOST! It's the absolute BEST PLACE FOR A GIRLS NITE OUT! HANDS DOWN! It is ALL THINGS GIRLY! Plan a date, plan a birthday, take an out of town visitor, or just hang with your Sister!!