If someone asks "Are you going to PHO-SIAM?!" the correct response is...
No Noodles here....well except YOU! When you leave!!
I was stressed out and knotted up like a MUG! and Terri took me here one night at 10:30PM!!! Okaaay!!
For a "What the Heck Just Happened To Me, Am I In Heaven?"
$25 Massage!! This place is like a lovely oasis in the middle of Nowheresville!!
Gotta love L.A.
I love things that appear expensive but are REALLY dirt cheap. I also love wrestlers disguised as 90 pound 4 ft tall Thai ladies who pulverize my muscle fibers as though she's tenderizing meat for dinner.
If you want to get pummeled into pulp and show no mercy to your stress knots, this is the place to be. If you've tried your hand at yoga poses and you can barely manage to touch your toes, let the ladies of Pho Siam contort your body lovingly like a pretzel. If you haven't seen your chiropractor in centuries, no worries because these girls of questionable citizenship status will pull, prod, rub, karate chop, walk on you, knead, buff, wrap, steam, braise, or sous vide your semi-naked body! and have you sayin' Ahhhhhhh Authentic Thai! Bangkok in my Backyard!! ....Ohm Just Sayin'...
Now the difference between the Thai massage and a regular massage is that thai incorporates the whole body. Not only did she use her hands, but she used her arms, feet, elbows and knees. She balanced her weight on my body using the ropes that hung from the wooden ceiling beams... AND WALKED ON ME!! 2 words...wonderful toes! ok...2 more...VERY COOL!
When you enter your dimly lit, serene private room you'll don some cool MC Hammer-esque "one size fits all of America" scrub like pants. You'll be wrapped in towels for modesty sake and instructed to lie face-down on a comfy futon type mat--THEN IT IS ON, LIKE HOT BUTTERED POPCORN! Someone named Lucky, Jun, or Jai (my faves) come in and all they want to do is seek and destroy your muscles into submission.
Call me when you go! Nothing has ever "hurt so good!"
A few tips for new visitors:
WOW! Rates are "CASH ONLY" (ATM in lobby):
$25 for 1/2 hour $40 for hour $60 for 90 minutes!! Yes I said 90 MINUTES! STEAL! Open 9am-1030 pm!! Had a really bad day?.....Go before bed! You'll sleep like a Newborn!
Best to have an appt to get person you want and no waiting.(but not necessary)
*if your a Newb ask for Medium pressure!*
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